Transdiciplnary AI art project by DiPisaStasinski (2020-2024) 

The Art of Creating the Unthinkable

Research essay by DiPisaStasinski (2020)


Cognitive sculpting - an Artistic Network of AI, IA & Robotics 

Interactive worskhop (2019) by DiPisaStasinski


Manufacturing Heroes

Performative workshop by DiPisaStasinski (2017)

Through a process of dialogic aesthetics the workshop explores ideas of narrative switching

Manufacturing Heroes

Performative workshop by DiPisaStasinski (2017)

Through a process of dialogic aesthetics the workshop explores ideas of self-regulation

Manufacturing Heroes

Workshop by DiPisaStasinski (2016) 

The project is based on two theoretical fields -  studies of sacred values and story editing

Who's your hero?

Video installation by DiPisaStasinski (2011)

The work explores the balance between heroic fiction and ideological reality

Interview with... 

Artist book (2007)

In Interview with… there are no answers only questions and the narrative that is built up is a stylistic play examining the idea of artistic originality and autonomy

About Alessandra Di Pisa - A Paralactic Perspective 

Textbased artwork (2006)

The text-based work functions autonomously as such, but is at the same time a text that functions as a description of its own existence


Video (2006)

With the individual at the center, self-realization is sold as a complete package consisting of equal parts creativity, positive energy and self-confidence

Effective relaxation 

Sound installation (2006)

The work claims to promise a faster and more efficient method of relaxation that might result in a cognitive dissonance, as the idea of productivity is applied to the spiritual mind

You Are All I Need To Get By

Video (2002)

In the consumer society, where the individual's main task is to be a consumer, the myth of the desirable self is created through advertising

Being Unthinkable...

Inauguration (2021)

Heroes in Vivalla

Performance by DiPisaStasinski (2017)

Part of the art project Manufacturing Heroes (2016-2017) by DiPisaStasinski

Manufacturing Heroes

Creative workshop  by DiPisaStasinski  (2016

The project took as its staring point studies of sacred values and was carried out as a multi-part social performative project based on dialogic aesthetics and developed in synery with the participants


Performance by DiPisaStasinski (2015)

Building a spacial situation for value-based cultural differences through a performativ dialogue

Buying the Museum 

Textbased artwork by DiPisaStaskinski (2010)

Based on propaganda, PR and Soft Power as concepts and expressions, the work explores the role of communication within the framework of the visual arts

A performative presentation of Triumph of Emptiness

Performance, Liljevalchs konsthall (2007)

The performative presentation of The Triumph of Emptiness, explores the gap between the real and the staged

Triumph of Emptiness

Installation (2009)

The installation The Triumph of Emptiness explores the meaning of words in relation to the interpretation and experience of works of art

Triumph of Emptiness

Exhibition, Kulturhuset (2006)

The exhibition The Triumph of Emptiness is as empty as the name suggests, as the actual work of art shines with its absence

Alessandra Di Pisa's - Video Diary 

Video (2005)

The horoscopes' praise of what is to come, is transformed into an intimate depictions of what has been

I am ME

Video (2003)

The right personality and the design of the true self, is desirable in a market economy where the self is a salable product

the future is important 

Video installation (2002)

The work is based on the idea of social engineering and implements linguistics used by the Swedish education system

Being Unthinkable...

Interactive AI-based robotic sculpture by DiPisaStasinski (2017-2021) 

Public art commision

Reading the words Like A Train Wreck In A Zoo Next To A Circus

Essay by DiPisaStasinski (2020)


Cognitive Sculpting - Using Art & AI to Augment Human-Machine Interaction 

Interactive worskhop by DiPisaStasinski 

KVIT Conference, Linköping University 

Manufacturing Heroes

Creative workshop by DiPisaStasinski (2016)

The project explores mechanisms of story editing, an autonarrative process where counter-nattatives are investigated, forged and performed

Manufacturing Heroes

Creative workshop by DiPisaStasinski (2016) 

Through recurring dialogues a lure for destructive acts was transformed into artistic activity

I Wish You Could See From My Perspective / You Wish I Could See From Your Perspective

Work on canvas by DiPisaStasinski (2015)

Trough Imago dialogue as a method of conversation the work explores whether individuals' horizons can ever meet 


Triptych, digital print (2008)

The work takes as its starting point different visual methods to disseminate and influence political as well as commercial interests

A performative presentation of Triumph of Emptiness

Performance, Botkyrka konsthall (2006)

Rhetoric is used as an instrument for controlling what is said and thus how a work of art is perceived

Triumph of Emptiness

Artist book (2006)

The Triumph of Emptiness takes the shape of a contemporary exhibition catalog and is based on the artist's interest in the relationship between artistic practice and theory

Alessandra Di Pisa's - Diary

Artist book (2004)

The work combines the temptation to access someone's intimate thoughts and the desire to predict the future

Personality CV

Textbased work (2003)

41 CV letters combines the standardized format with a supposedly personal depiction of the self

the Job Applicant 

Video (2001)

The work is based on the British Employment Service's general recommendations for jobseekers and job advertisements published in British newspapers